Wanna hear about twilight? This is my own opinion so STOP right here if you have no desire to hear my opinion on this movie and would rather form your own. When you go to see the movie seriously try not to have any expectations! I know thats hard considering that everyone (including me) loved the book so how could you not but I LOVED the movie overall.
There were times as I was watching that I thought "I LOVE this movie" but there were also times that I thought "what were they thinking!" Overall it was good but, of course, the book is ten thousand times better!! Just because of the detail in them! Baseball scene was awesome though.I wish it would have been a longer....seriously, they could have done so much more with more time. I left wanting more of the cullen family and the movie. The big question....Edward?. I completely feel in love with him. There were times at the first of the movie were I could not contain myself from laughing even in the serious parts but I wanted Edward and I loved him by the end. He is even hot to me now! It was a lot of fun. You must go and you will enjoy! I LOVED it!
Happy March!!
3 days ago
Alright you convinced me. ha I was already planning on going but now I'm a little excited. How was Jacob though? I always liked him better then edward, edward was too bossy for my liking.
Jacob was only in the movie like 3 times total so you didn't really get to know him that well. I still liked who they picked out for jacob though he fits what I always pictured him like. In the second movie though it show him with short hair and he looks a lot better. You will like the movie though and Edward.
I agree!! I hated Edward before I saw the movie but after I love him! I think they did a good job except a lot of stuff was left out :)
Your backdrop is so cute! So is your header. I couldn't figure that part out so you will have to teach me!
Yeah we went to see twilit this weekend... and there were times where i thought this movie is sooooo stupid. But i was the same way i wanted edward so bad, dont you wish your husband could be like him sometimes(but we still love our husbands even if there not edward lol). I cant wait till the next one comes out!!! i am so excited so what did you get at walmart???? i hate going there its crazy but i probly will get talked into it again next year....lol
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