Driving down the road I looked up and that is what I see..I hear that jettas after hitting over 100,000 miles start breaking down, Oh no! freak I cant have something like this for me that will do something like that, I already freak myself out bad enough while driving in a car let alone the jetta that could at any moment break down..crazy how I feel like my posts are about cars and anxiety <----thats not part of the story. Do I really want to tell you about my crazy inner thoughts?. If you can imagine my thoughts after this not to pretty..have you ever freaked yourself out while driving down the road..well I do all the time. What if I am driving and it starts shaking and all the tires fall off and then here I am sliding down the road metal against the road with flames shooting out the back and I am trying to stop but no tires so cant possibly do that. You no what I am telling you is the older I get the more I am going insane I used to just freak if I didn't have water all the time or if I didn't know where a hospital was at all times...now I cant even ride in the car..thats it! and its all because I looked down and saw this!!
Jetta forsale
jk.. but I am hoping that the jetta doesn't join the party with the rabbit by not running anymore for us. Oh did I tell you that story? The rabbit doesn't work anymore, The End!
Ha ha Megan you are funny! I freak more about stuff now too (not driving lol), I think it's because we are married and have more to think about than just ourselves now!
Ha what a hoot! Ya good luck with the jetta, my husband has a jetta that has over 100,000 miles and it has stupid little problems all the time!
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