I did so much this weekend I honestly dont even know where to begin...okay maybe I do lets just start with introducing you to "the Rabbit" long story short this car probably is the car you dread getting into and make fun of when you see coming down the road, no lie its that bad. Jason got it for free so being free he thought it was a GREAT idea, wrong..its cost us over 2,000 dollars to fix dag nabbit is all I have to say. Lets just list the pro's and con's of this sucker..Pro's: Gets great gas mileage (70 to the gallon we estimate) Con's: The passenger door only opens from the inside, no AC, no radio, leaks, no shocks ( can you imagine that), needs alot more work, wont start if under lets say 40 degrees, lights on the inside dont work, ugly brown and gold color, 1981 volkswagon rabbit ( never a good idea if your car is older then you). So Jason asks me to go huntin' with him and of course we have to take the rabbit because what good is it if we dont get all the use out of this thing and the great gas mileage?! Of course me being the anxiety freak that I am, I start to worry as soon as he says the word rabbit. How are we going to make it up there in that, I ask myself, But we do hitting every rock in the dirt road..even the pebbles.
Well this short story is turning into a long story. opps.
We get up there and I have promised Jason that if we see a deer I will shoot it..we see a deer..I dont shoot. The 2 block hike was actually a mile hike I would guess..honestly I was dieing Jason said I had leaves every where from falling and complaining the whole trip but pshh whateva.. we started back to the car and the radiator fluid was leaking. My panic immediately set in, questions like (what if we blow up, or get ate by a mountain lion, or get lost in the dark and a bear eats us?)
I'm starting to think this is my ANXIETY BLOG..from now on.
We have to stop every 30 ft to check the fluid so we dont over heat..on the way we pick up these lovely hunters who had shot a deer but didn't want to hike back to there truck..example of these lovely hunters..we F&#@ saw a deer and F%$# shot the deers and F*&^ dont want to hike..but they were lovely and fun. They even offered us beer oh how nice of them. We make it to there truck and we make it down the canyon only to start over heating as soon as we hit Nephi canyon oh but dont worry its all okay because the lovely hunters found us and they saved us after we saved them. We made it home safe and sound that night. I was tramatized.
That was thursday night. Friday I went with my mom and watched Elisa Dance and went to Goodwood for a Girls Night Out. Saturday I went to a shower and had the Sheffield family Halloween party. Sunday Jason shot his deer..I was so proud of him and he was so happy! A week full of events I tell you.
Happy March!!
3 days ago
Hi Megan!
Of course I remember you. It looks like you are doing good, and you hooked a very handsome young man! Way-ta-go! Not much has changed at the high school, it's still....."high school"!
Good to hear from you.
Just read about your nabbit event. That is so funny.
If everything had gone with out incident what would you have to write about. Your blog is awesome. Good job sis. Love M:)
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