Two posts in one its a miracle and I also wonder why..because I am sitting here in the hotel room waiting for my father-in-law and my mother-in-law to wake up come guys its 9:00 wake up already! and my New Moon book is in the truck which is in the cold..sad for me.
8 Favorite Tv Shows ( in no order)
*Las Vegas
*Road Rules/Real World Challenge
*Jon and Kate plus 8 :)
*Flip that house
8 Favorite Resturants
*Cold Stone..I know not a resturant
*Tsing Tao
*Olive Garden
*Red Robin
*Ruby River
*PF Changs
8 things I did yesterday
*Almost die..see previous post
*Almost slide off the road..also see previous post
*Road in a truck all know the drill.
*Packed my things up
*Went out to eat
*Played in the SNOW!
*Read my New Moon book
*Took medicine for my darn eyes..and that will be a post in the future.
8 things I love about the fall
*Long sleeve shirts..if your white you understand completely
*Hot Chocolate!!
*Carving pumpkins
*The leaves changing
*Sitting by the heater
*Family get togethers
*The smell
*The decorations and lights..
8 things I look forward to
*Jason getting done with school
*Moving back up north
*Getting home safely
* the near future
*Buying a house
*Vacations..(Las vegas, Oregon Coast)
*Our 1st anniversary
8 things On my wish list
*Get home safe
*Stay on a healthy eating plan ( impossible at my work)
*To look good in a swimming suit when I go to Oregon..
*That is wont snow hard this year
*A new Couch
*A new Dining table
*My eyes wont hurt anymore
*They do good out here at the show
mm..I tag..EVERYONE
Happy March!!
3 days ago
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