...Was horrible. We started packing and scrubing down every corner, wall, base boards you name it...at 8 in the morning and didn't get done until 11 that night, what a long day. My parents came down to help so that we didn't have to make another trip down to Ephraim..{Warning! this story may hold content you dont want to hear} Well me jason have this little thing called are { sex drawer } You no what it contains. I cleaned this out first ON PURPOSE, I didn't want them to see anything. My mom and dad began cleaning up are room with the vaccumm and moving around the dresser drawers and next thing I hear is them laughing there heads off, oh great I already knew what they have discovered...condoms..well there wrappers. That means they were used which means we had been doing the deeds. Men need to learn to pick up there crap! I am just glad they didn't find the whole drawer. After getting everything packed we headed out and not even 5 miles after leaving I look ahead just in time to see my vanity in the back of my dads trailor tip over and what I think {Almost fly out} not really but it did tip over. I just kept thinking crap any second this vanity is going to be on the road and I am going to mow it over. I didn't.
So as of this moment we are staying at are in laws house. Its a little upsetting {well alot} because we were told it would be done wednesday so we could just move in, when that didn't happen it was supposed to be done this weekend, well thats not going to happen its suppose to be done next weekend {we cross our fingers} it just gets a little fraustrating when its suppose to be done and its not. I just want to be able to get in there and decorate and unpack already, it gets hard trying to find your cloths and having to dig everywhere just to find your shoes or your toothbrush for that matter. I'm ready to be moved in already.
Happy March!!
3 days ago
I'm excited you guys will be closer. Now we'll have to hang out more often! Let us know if you need help with moving in. Love you guys!
That is so funny! Something happened to us like that but my brother found "the drawer" LOL! Yeah living with the parent's is hard...just think of it as saving money (but sometimes its so not worth it lol) well good luck on the move(:
Ha ha megan, you crack me up! I am sorry your house is not quite ready! That sucks! Hopefully the time will pass quickly!
ugh! sounds miserable. I hate living in transition. Blah. Hopefully you'll be moved in soon. Good luck with everything!
Megan thats hilarious!! We kinda had an incident like that but with teammates...ha! Living the "in-between" livin glife sucks...after our honeymoon we had to stay at Blake's parents for a week before we moved to Cali...hopefully you can move into you place soon!!
I love your post! Haha the same thing happened to us! It seems to have happened to a lot of people. Ya--when we moved I was sure to hide that stuff so they didn't see. I guess we forgot to look under the bed which I was having family help me take it apart while Tony was helping carry heavy stuff out, and surprise there is a wrapper under the bed. ha I hurried and grabbed it and walked out of the room. ha oh boy!!
Hopefully soon you will get into your house!! That will be awesome!
Ha ha that is too funny! That would only happen to you :)
ha ha you are hilarious! I am glad you are finally getting to move! We will for sure have to do something when we get back.
I know it's so wierd that you don't work here anymore :( We need to do something soon.....and to answer your question san rafael is about an hour south of salina, it was way fun!!!
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