Many months ago my mom informed me of the 5K run she was in charge off. I agreed to run {I figured it would give me the motive to get out there and really work out and build my way up to that 3 mile mark}. I didn't get around to training, lets just say that. I have never in my life ran 3 miles {I know, I know}. My mom was counting on me and also my sister-in-law. I figured I would just tell them I was going and then not really do it because I hadn't been running at all. Well you can see I never said no...and I am glad I didn't. We ran it in around 33 mins and it felt so good to actually make it in that time and to the finish. Although my hips, knees and ankles are more sore then I think I have ever felt, I am going to keep up this running and hopefully next time I can do it in 30 mins.
Happy March!!
3 days ago
Nice job! That's awesome. I'm dying to get back to working out. Right now things are too crazy and I hate it!
Megan that is awesome!! I use to love running in 5k's and what not! I don't even think they do stuff like that here in Salinas...but I just decided a few days ago that I was going to start running and hopefully I can get to 3 miles haha even though the doc doesn't really want me too!!
That's awesome meg! I don't think I could do it lol!
Woot Woot!! Good job girl!!
You were AWESOME! Thanks for running with me. If you hadn't said that your knee was hurting I would have thought that it was no big deal for you. I hope that we can do more together. 30 minutes (and death) here we come! lol
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