As I take this picture Jason clearly demands that this picture is not going on my “STUPID BLOG” So apparently my blog has become a STUPID BLOG well excuse me! I had one of those fits , you know the ones you have when your 13 and you run away from home because nobody loves you, except for this time I ran away from my husband because my blog is stupid, ya those kind of fits. I walked down the road and mumbled under my breath a few choice things and then was fine, I jumped back in that truck and Jason began apologizing..and this is how the Denver trip began.
We had a pleasant ride out there after this. We didn't get to Denver until 2:30 in the morning
and into are hotel until 5:30 after we unloaded everything. We didn't get any sleep all night and had to go all day with out sleep...which makes for a very long and tiring day. The calfs out there are amazing..better then I have ever seen. We ended up doing pretty good, taking 8th in our class out of 25 heifers, which is good at a major show like this.
Snow and Stocks shows do not mix, especially when you have me on the road trying to get home. Like are last trip that we took to Montana we got snow again for the ride home, oh joy, can I just tell you. 16 hours later we arrive in Ephraim...I did better this time with controlling my fear of sliding off, I only ended up yelling at Jason about 4 times, good wouldn't you say? There were so many wrecks along the way, glad we made home with all the constant prayers I was saying I dont know how we wouldn't make it home.

Ha I love this post! I love how honest you are! That really is so how it goes too--I love keeping in touch through our "stupid blogs" :)
So glad you made it home safe... and also without a panic attack from the snow!!!! Jason's face is definitely priceless in that first pic!! HA HA
Sounds like an amazing adventure you had!!! I'm also glad you made it home safe.
What a hoot. Nate told me I can no longer post pictures of him on the blog or facebook and that I'm taking away his privacy! Can you believe that. ha Anyways you just crack me up, probably cause I do the same things all the time. Especially driving in the snow, I about have a panic attack.
Ha I hate driving in bad weather! And I snap and have fits also...haha! Your so funny but I'm glad you did well in Colorado!! Don't worry I love your "stupid blog" :D
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