This is how are first date went:
He showed up in a black polo shirt, dark jeans and doc martins. I had my shorts on (trying to show a little leg you know) I thought he might like that, and he did. I curled my hair with such precision, I’m not sure if it could have been more precise. We were going to the movies (ocean 12 or 13, cant remember) I remember placing my hand in just the right position so he could hold it, but he never did. I was a little bummed out about that and I keep questioning weather he was really digging me or not. We ended up getting an ice cream from McDonalds and just talking.
Talking to him was as easy as breathing and within minutes we were laughing. The Date was fun, I have never felt so at ease. When the night came to an end it was obvious that neither of us wanted it to be over. "What are you doing the rest of the weekend?" he asked. It was a Thursday and whatever lame plans I had with friends just melted away...."nothing" was my reply. Looking back I should have played harder to get.
He was going up to Kamas to drop off a load of panels he had built, I gladly tagged along. We talked about what we wanted in life, where we wanted to be, the goals we wanted to accomplish, how many kids we each that point I realized something, that I really like this man! I called both my parents while he was out of the truck to tell them how much I really liked dad told me "take it slow Megan" but I couldn’t deny it.
The things I knew by the end of our third date:
He was the most real man I had ever met. No pretenses, he never wears a mask and says and does exactly what he thinks and is. This makes things very interesting.
He is happy to the core and laughs at everything.
I felt like I had known him my whole existence and being together was just a reuniting not a meeting.
I never wanted to be away from him.......ever.
I knew I would marry him.
We never spent a day apart after that third date. 4 weeks later we were engaged and about 5 months later we were married.
When I look back, the day I met my husband was the beginning of a fresh new outlook that created major change in me. Our first year was not easy we have had are arguments and disagreements but I can honestly say that I love this man more each day. We have built a deeply happy life together.
I adore this man!!..............
Happy March!!
3 days ago