What is his full name? Jason Seth Ahlin
How long have you been married? We were married December 15, 2007 (Almost 8 months)
How long did you date? We were engaged after 5 weeks of dating!
Who eats more sweets? I do! I dont like to admit that but I think its always me who is thinking about eating the sweets!
Who said I love you first? He did..I had just got back from Lake Powell and I went and seen him before I went home, he told me that he was falling in love with me.
How old is he? 23
Who is taller? He is..I would like to think I am when I wear high heels but he still claims he is taller!
Who is smarter? He is smarter then me most the times but when I am I like to rub it in.
Who can sing better? Well that would be me but now that he is more comfortable around me he will sing louder and he actually isnt to bad.
Who does the laundry? I do most the time but he is good to put a few loads in here and there. I fold all the time though.
Who pays the bills? We both make the money but I balance the check book and pay all of them.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If your looking at it I do but by the end of the night I sleep on all sides of the bed!
Who mows the lawn? Jason does every single time..
Who cooks dinner? Well when we do eat dinner at our house I do most of the time, I hate, hate, hate deciding what to cook so if he just tells me what he wants I am more then happy to cook it.
Who drives? Jason does, I get nervous driving in front of people (aka jason)
Who is more stubborn? Jason says I am....
Who kissed who first? Jason all the way..he leaned over and laid one on me on the second date.
Who asked who out? Jason did.. but I got his number from my friend because I thought he was cute so I texted him first. When he asked me out he actually didn't know if he was asking me or my friend out..but he was hoping it was me :)
Who has more siblings? I do..he only has two brothers. I have two sisters and two brothers.
Who wears the pants? I asked him what he thought..his answer was who do you think....ME! No Jason I dont think so its ME! It depends on what is about I would say its 60/40 leaning his way!
Happy March!!
3 days ago
I love all your pictures! I love winter weddings! I really like the little coat that your wearing with your dress! I'm only 17 weeks along so I'll find out in about 3-4weeks! I can't wait! Matt wants a boy, I just want a baby!
Zoey for a girl and Bek for a boy. I picked the girl's name and Matt picked the boy's name. I haven't decided on a middle name for the girl but we'll probably go with Matthew for the boy's middle name.
Thanks! Believe me! We're are really nervous! Me especially... It's a really wierd feeling to find out you are having a baby for the first time. I stress about labor everyday!
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