When you say the words farmer, stock show, or road trip that just might be bad enough but put them all together and I would say thats "One hell of a trip".
Wednesday we left at 6:00 p.m. so we could make our time schedule of arriving in denver at 3:00 a.m. the following morning. Things didn't happen as planned...we didn't plan for the truck carrying the trailer with heifers to break down at one in the morning making us have to unload everything we loaded up in what I swear was -5...just so me and jason could carry the trailer out and then load up everything we had just taken out of our truck into Nathans truck. We didnt arrive until 6:30 a.m. and didnt get to the hotel until 2:00 p.m.! exaustion I tell you! The show was so exciting, we did awesome this year taking 3rd and 6th in our class out of 30 heifers. Jason was grinning from ear to ear, what a cheeser! We woke up the next morning just to find out the jasons truck had been broke into in the hotel parking lot. Nothing was taken thankfully but the door is pretty jacked up (sometimes it pops open by its self while driving down the free way!). We left this morning at 5 hoping to be home before dark..with the hopes that all the bad streaks had ended. 1 hour out of Denver Jason truck started making really loud noises..we are thinking its the turbo or the transmission! great...now we get to unload the trailer off of jasons truck put it back of the other truck and load up what was in jasons truck ( you following me?) whew..that was alot well enough said about that. All is well until evanston..basically shit hits the fan when this other other kids truck named seth (keep in mind there where 4 trucks) brakes went out! everyone needs brakes...so jason being the kind generous man he is offered to drive in front of him so that if he could not stop he could just run right in the back of us. great well at least I dont have to worry about bad weather like last year but I do have to worry about this dang truck behind us with no brakes rear ending us. We drove like this all the way from evanston til home. I am just happy we made it here..and now I am going to go enjoy my nice comfy bed.
Happy March!!
3 days ago
Life married to a farmer...hahaha. But wow that does sound like a miserable and stressful time! I would probably have been freaking out.
Oh my hell! You guys had one rough weekend! I am glad you all survived though! I would have had a panic attack or something!! Lets go do something fun and non-stressful k! Love ya!!
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