Saturday, September 20, 2008

Simple Things

Yesterday Jason brought flowers to me at work, there were not just flowers to me but something that was so simple but said I love you in so many ways. Today I sit here thinking about all the simple things in life that I am so greatful for. Last night I got to spend the night at my parents house and the night talking and hanging out with my mom (even if it did mean putting up tomato's until the wee hours of the night). My dad fixed a grilled cheese for me, yum! and we had one less big spider in the house because of him. I am thankful that I got to hear I love you from my husband last night before going to bed and hearing it first thing this morning. I am greatful that my morning was spent with my mom and sister-in-law hanging out. I am greatful for the simple things.

My wonderful husband

Take notice to first picture of my mom...all smiles now lets take notice
to this one..all frowns. We learned that maybe instructions do come in handy
when trying to put a tomatoe squisher together.

My Dad

oh the simple things..

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

State Fair Pics...

Jasons friend didn't want a picture (notice the sauce on his finger)

At Hard Rock Cafe

I put this picture on because I wanted to wish my mother-in-law a happy birthday
we didnt really celebrate because we were up at the state fair getting ready to load
everything up but HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I love her and she spoils me rotten ( the joys
of being the first girl in the family)

Just Before the show

Cleaning up poop!

Nathan in the show ring

Monday, September 15, 2008

Oh man the STATE FAIR

So I have been thinking should I lie in this post or should I be honest...If I lie I might sound like I am a nicer person, but buy telling the truth its sure to make you think that I'm a brat...thats when I thought to myself heres that truth the State Fair sucked. I am sure that I could go on and on about how horrible it was but I wont because I dont want to make you feel bad for me. Seriously though nathan my brother-in-law won Grand Showman and lets guess what he got...any guesses? a watch that was orange and I am sure was bought from a dollar store. Isn't this supposed to be that state fair and the biggest show of the year? He has won bigger prizes then that at little tiny tiny shows! I mean I know this shows are supposed to make the child learn the value of hard work and its not about the prizes they win but the lessons they learn blah blah blah but if your being honest with your self every one wants a little something something for working dang hard. I am sure if I got my husband on here to give you his piece of mind about the state fair it would be alot worse then this... that is not all that happened but i will leave on a more positive note being that....I am thankful for: the Gateway so that I could shop, YEAH for shopping, the Twlight book which I just started and LOVE and kept me sain, folding chairs so I could have a place to sit and read the Twlight book, the flip flops I packed in my purse after being dumb and wearing high heels, my husband for giving me random little kisses every time he saw me (those are always nice), gloves so that my poor hands didn't look like shiz after unloading the poopy trailer. Really I should have a better attitude about everything but alot of other things went wrong to I dont want to write about all of it just for the sake of you and maybe its better that I stop where I am at but somethings just tick me off!!!

Do I sound like I have a bad attitude?

p.s. photos will be coming soon..I swear everything just has to make me mad..the BLOGGER wont load photos and I am sick of trying so I will try later..errr makes me mad.